
Before & After Flashcards

These flashcards are a fun way to practice reading New Testament books of the Bible.  I wanted a way to help my students apply their knoweldge of the books of the New Testament in a way that would help them find scriptures independently.  While thumbing through the pages of my own Bible, I realized that my own knowledge of the sequence of books helps me determine whether I keep turning forward or whether I've gone too far.  That's when I came up with this idea!  Watch the video to see them in use in my class!

These cards have multiple uses though...that's what's so great!  When your students are beginning to read the names of the New Testament books, they can be used to just help them read/identify the book names.  When they're ready for more, you can have them name the book that comes before/after the book on the front of the card.  Sometimes they get mixed up and just read the card, but that's to be's just how visual our minds/reactions are.  The way that we play is that the first student to reach 10 cards correctly gets a turn to flash the cards to the other students.  Now they can play this warm up game "independently" during our pre-class time!  You can download your set by clicking on any of the images below.

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